November 9, 2015 Subject:
Sugared Rice Krispies
This product apparently had a very brief lifespan. I don't ever remember sugared rice "Krinkles," but Kellog's Rice Krispies we had a lot - and they weren't sugared.
One wonders if it just didn't go over well or did Kellog go after Post for stealing their rice krispie idea. I don't recall Post ever having a rice krispie cereal of any type.
The "clown-o-phobes" amuse me. I always thought clowns were weird, of no interest or entertainment to me, but scary? No. Never. I once heard a caller on a talk radio show start going on about clowns - like, psychotically about how perverse, etc.. Very bizarre person!
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March 14, 2014 Subject:
Krinkles, We Hardly Knew Ye.
Sad how potheads chanting the clowns are creepy meme in drugged unison have robbed this video of any meaningful comments.
My one comment won't make anyone feel much better than the idiocy posted here thus far, but here goes: Isn't this the '50s rather than the '60s? Sure looks like it. The image of a box of cereal with Krinkles on it strongly suggests just that.
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January 12, 2012 Subject:
Evil clown
One of the creepiest clowns I've seen yet. In his off hours he probably harasses Batman while pushing drugs on the side. I'm giving this 5 stars for maximum weirdness.
Reviewer:Lost Planet Airman
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January 12, 2012 Subject:
Selling Cereal through nightmares
Well, nothing sells breakfast cereal to kids like a creepy-ass clown. Clowns, usually, are nightmare fuel as it is, but this one would have made the kiddies have night sweats.